Kue keberuntungan
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Penulisan Cookie
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Permen Meriah
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Ubah teks Anda menjadi ilustrasi retro-futuristik
Hari Valentine
Lihat hadiah Anda di hari Valentine
Trem Lama
Tempatkan dua papan iklan di atas toko di jalan yang sibuk dengan trem yang lewat
Tempatkan gambar Anda di cangkir teh
Topi Koki
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Kue keberuntungan
It is a dessert with a twist and traditionally served in Chinese restaurants since the early part of 20th century. Although created in USA it has commonly been accepted as a Chinese Fortune Cookie. Fortune cookies, as the name suggests, contain a fortune message usually of luck or prosperity that forms the essence of the cookie. Also the messages have been known to have jokes, aphorisms and advice. Now, with the help of PhotoFunia you can create your own fortune cookie message and share it with your friends and family.