19/08/2013 11:06
Set in contemporary New York City, a seemingly ordinary teenager, Clary Fray (Lily Collins), discovers she is the descendant of a line of Shadowhunters, a secret cadre of young half-angel warriors locked in an ancient battle to protect our world from demons. After the disappearance of her mother (Lena Headey), Clary must join forces with a group of Shadowhunters, who introduce her to a dangerous alternate New York called Downworld, filled with demons, warlocks, vampires, werewolves and other deadly creatures. Based on the worldwide best-selling book series. Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, in theatres August 29 2013! Take a look closer at: http://facebook.com/ChronikenderUnterwelt.Film
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL

The Mortal Instruments

Set in contemporary New York City, a seemingly ordinary teenager, Clary Fray (Lily Collins), discovers she is the descendant of a line of Shadowhunters, a secret cadre of young half-angel warriors locked in an ancient battle to protect our world from demons. After the disappearance of her mother (Lena Headey), Clary must join forces with a group of Shadowhunters, who introduce her to a dangerous alternate New York called Downworld, filled with demons, warlocks, vampires, werewolves and other deadly creatures. Based on the worldwide best-selling book series.

Etiketler: faces, effects

19/08/2013 11:01
To try this effect with the text of your choise please visit following URL http://photofunia.com/lab/chalk_writing
Etiketler: text effect, lab

10/08/2013 19:42
PhotoFunia's 6th anniversary!

It is hard to believe that PhotoFunia has just turned six year old.  It seems like only yesterday we have set ourselves a goal to make “one click photoshopping” possible. Six years later PhotoFunia is not only available as a website, but as an app for all major mobile platforms. This year we have been very busy not only creating amazing new effects, but bringing the service to all tablet devices such as iPad, Adnroid and Winodws 8 slates.  It makes us happy knowing that what we do can bring smile to  someone’s face and make an ordinary day a little brighter. We would like to thank all of our users for being with us throughout all those years. Our existence would not be possible without you. We have a lot of exiting stuff to share with you this year. Please stay tuned for more information.

Сложно поверить, но ФотоФании исполнилось шесть лет. Кажется только вчера мы поставили перед собой цель сделать «фотошоп в один клик» возможным. Спустя шесть лет ФотоФания доступна не только как веб сайт, но и приложение практически на все мобильные платформы. В течении этого года мы были очень заняты не только создавая новые эффекты, но и делая возможным работу сервиса на всех планшетных устройствах, таких как iPad, Adnroid и Winodws 8. Мы безумно рады осознавать то, что наша работа приносит улыбки нашим пользователям, и сделать обычный день чуточку ярче. Мы хотим поблагодарить всех наших пользователей за то, что вы были с нами на протяжении всех этих лет. Наше существование было бы невозможно без вас. В этом году вас ждёт множество сюрпризов, которыми мы бы хотели с вами поделится. Следите за анонсами.

Etiketler: anniversary

23/06/2013 11:16
To try this effect please visit following URL http://photofunia.com/lab/sand_writing
Etiketler: text effect, lab

23/06/2013 11:14
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL

Daily News

Looks like an article about you in the newspaper with your picture on it. What the article is about is for you to decide!

Etiketler: effects

29/05/2013 08:36
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL

Modern Art Exhibition

Your moment of glory is here. Your picture at the exhibition of modern art. It could be that you are quite used to it by now. Afterall, you're a user of PhotoFunia!

Etiketler: effects

18/05/2013 10:18
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL

Louvre Museum

The Louvre is one of the world's largest museums, and a historic monument. A central landmark of Paris, France, it is located on the Right Bank of the Seine. With more than 8 million visitors each year, the Louvre is the world's most visited museum.

Etiketler: effects

18/05/2013 10:16
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL

Classic Book

Have you ever dreamed of being a hero of a classic book? Simply choose your photo, enter the name of the author and title of the book and wait to see the magic. Being a hero of works by world famous authors like Ernest Hemingway or William Shakespeare is only few taps away!

Etiketler: effects

06/05/2013 14:37
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL


Make a photo look more like a watercolor painting. This photo effect works great on images where maintaining rich colors and strong contrast is more important than keeping any fine details since you will be losing some detail with this effect.

Etiketler: effects

06/05/2013 14:36
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL

Woman Pilot

To be a pilot one needs to posses lightning fast reflexes, quick thinking and be cool under pressure. With PhotoFunia you have all 3!

Etiketler: faces, effects

22/04/2013 09:47
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL

Vintage Table

Thinking of going back to the future? Sure! See how your picture looks back in the 50s with PhotoFunia.

Etiketler: effects

22/04/2013 09:44
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL

Pavement Artist

World's most popular form of street art is sidewalk chalk painting. PhotoFunia has its own street artist, who can draw anything you want on the sidewalk.

Etiketler: effects

18/04/2013 11:32
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL
Etiketler: effects

18/04/2013 11:31
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL
Etiketler: effects

27/03/2013 12:33
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL


In mythology daffodils symbolise self-admiration. It's no surprise that we also admire you!

Etiketler: effects

27/03/2013 12:32
To try this effect with your photo please visit following URL

Memories of Paris

Not everyone has memories from visiting Paris...oh wait now everyone does!

Etiketler: effects